Wenjie Zhang
Chief Investigator
Professor Wenjie Zhang is a computer scientist specializing in databases, data management and big data analytics. She is currently a Professor in Computer Science in the Data and Knowledge Research Group at the UNSW Sydney and has served as the Deputy Head of School (Research) since 2019.
Professor Zhang’s long-term research interests lie in accelerating data-intensive applications, focusing on the most fundamental problems and pushing the boundaries of state-of-the-art techniques in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and scalability. Professor Zhang has previously held an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award where her research focused on uncertain data modelling and analysis, several ARC Discovery Projects investigating spatial-temporal and spatial-textual data mining and analytics, and her pioneering work in the area of large-scale graph processing, is supported by an ARC Future Fellowship (FT21).
Professor Zhang is a valued member of the international research community and has held many senior roles in international conference committees and journals. She has served on numerous promotion and recruitment committees and the Academic Board of UNSW (2021 – 2023), bringing experience in institutional governance.